Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Welcome to the Humongous Melonheads blog, run by guys named Joe, Anthony, Ean, Steve and one other guy.


  1. Although journalism has not yet seen its final days, some argue that those days are numbered and a death is impending. There is a lack of depth in daily journalism, and that can be contributed to the way that Internet has transformed our sense of journalism. Reading the basics of a story has now become a satisfactory way of getting our news. A simple tweet, or the preview of a newspaper article has become enough for our daily dose of news. Entertainment has become more important than the art of good journalism, which is something that should never desist.
    The argument of the newspaper is a different story. I agree with the author that stated that newspaper provides something that no piece of data can. Digital files can be shared by a vast number, which leaves it vulnerable to being lost. Newspapers however, are a physical piece of work that can be held and much easier kept. There is something about the nostalgia of owning the newspaper that can never be replaced. If there is a big game, news breaking story, or world event, newspapers are the first thing that people grab as a piece of memorabilia.
    Because the definition of journalism has expanded itself to adapt to the societal norm, we often become lost in translation of its true meaning. Because we have lost this sense, a huge grey cloud remains of what is good or effective journalism. Is good journalism playing to the desire of the people, and sugar coat stories and leave details out in order to sell more? If journalism is a curriculum, then who holds it to those standards? Perhaps it is the group that is still reading for that depth, and who value the nostalgia of holding a paper in their hands.
